Groups & Classes
Find your Group
At Hope Chapel, we want to give everyone the opportunity to experience true, authentic, God-centered community.
Community Groups are at the core of how we live out Love through Authentic Community. Simply put, these groups are a gathering of people, who meet regularly for a common purpose, that results in relational connection and spiritual transformation. Groups are an environment for encouragement and diving deeper in care and support for one another. They are the space for you to build friendships, be encouraged to live a life of faith and purpose and simply have fun!
Check out all of our awesome groups by clicking “Browse Groups” bellow. Need more help? We would love to help you find the group thats just right for you! Please reach out to us at info@visithopechapel.com.
Want to see what our group discussion is all about for this week? Check out the discussion guide below!

Join a Class
At Hope Chapel, we want every individual to invest in their spiritual development.
What does that mean?
That means learning more about who God is, what the Christian walk looks like, what different parts of Scripture mean and how we apply it to our lives today. Finding our hope in Jesus is an ongoing process, and learning- engaging our intellect- is one way we can do that.
Classes are Hope Chapel’s way of coming alongside individuals in their spiritual development. We want to help you learn and grow and understand more about the life and love of Jesus, wherever you are in your faith walk. These classes happen at various times on Sunday mornings.
Check out all of our current classes by clicking “Browse Classes” below. Need more help? We would love to explain the class options or answer any questions!
Please reach out to us at info@visithopechapel.com.

Lead a Group
Leading a group doesn't have to be intimidating or overwhelming. It all starts with a desire to make disciples and grow in relationship with others. Maybe you have a passion you'd like to share with others. However God has gifted you, start there. We'll provide all the training, resources and encouragement you need to be a successful Group Leader.
Join a group to discuss the weekend message, pray together and connect with others in our city! Find a group for you, your kids, or your teenager!