About Hope Chapel
Why we exist, what we value, what we believe.
At Hope Chapel, we are all about helping people to find hope and bring hope. We exist to lead people to experience real life in Jesus for the hope of the world. We think hope looks a lot like experiencing freedom through salvation, receiving grace as we abide in Jesus, encountering love through authentic community, committing to grow through transformation and being on mission as we live out our purpose.

Vision & Core Values
01 — FREEDOM through salvation
WE VALUE all people, because we know that they are deeply loved and valued by God. His desire and ours is the same – that all would experience new and real life in Jesus through the gift of salvation. We desire that you experience life in its fullness as you find and follow Jesus.
02 — GRACE through abiding
WE VALUE Jesus as our highest priority and the reason we exist. We Intentionally push back on the exhaustive cycles of trying to make it on our own, and instead simply abide in Jesus – the source of all strength. We hope that you can move from striving to abiding as you experience God’s grace.
03 — LOVE through authentic community
WE VALUE every single one. We understand that if we cannot love others deeply, we have missed the calling that is closest to God’s heart. While our culture often seeks to divide us through race, class, culture, and life-stage; we seek to be unified and recognize the value and worth in every person God has created. When true Christian love is expressed in authentic community, the world takes notice. We hope this is a space where you know that you are loved and are also compelled to love others, even when it is least expected.
04 — GROWTH through transformation
WE VALUE changing to become more like Jesus. We know that we aren’t perfect, or good enough on our own, and rely on God’s ability to transform us. Healthy things grow, so we seek after spiritual, emotional, and relational health, believing that growth will naturally occur. We desire to not simply conform to the world around us, or become better versions of ourselves, but instead a more accurate reflection of who God is to the world.
05 — MISSION through purpose
WE VALUE leveraging our lives for the good of others. We believe that God gave us gifts, resources, and passions to be stewarded and used far beyond the walls of the church. We stand for mercy, justice, and civility. When others seek to take, we desire to give as we live our lives on a mission that’s bigger than ourselves.
Our Beliefs
A loving God created us in His image in order for us to have relationship with Him and with people.
Genesis 1:27-28
All of us have believed the lie, rejected our true image, and wandered away from the truth of God’s love.
Romans 1:25, 3:23
Because of broken relationship, Jesus lived, died, and rose from the dead to re-establish relationship with us. This life is to be experienced both now and forever.
1 John 4:9-10, 2 Corinthians 5:17-18
We are called by God to bless others and help them find their way back to Him.
2 Corinthians 5:19-20
Relationship with God through Jesus restores us into God’s family. We are then joined together in a community of faith, hope, and love with our adopted brothers and sisters.
1 John 4:11-12
The Holy Spirit empowers our relationship with God and others. Through Him we experience the empowered life of a believer and embrace our new identity in Christ.
1 Peter 4:10-11, Galatians 2:20, John 14:26, Romans 8:26
God has given us His inspired Word as an authority and guide for living the truth and making a difference in the lives of others.
2 Timothy 3:16-17