Join us during LENT, the forty days leading up to Easter, as we journey through the books of Joshua, Judges, Ruth, Samuel and Kings. Get paper copy of the Lent Devotional and Journal at Hope Chapel this Sunday or access the digital version.
Barna published a study called "State of the Bible" where they found that those who read scripture report higher levels of human flourishing, higher reports of happiness & life satisfaction and higher sense of meaning and purpose than those who are disengaged and do not read the Bible!
So why don't more people read their Bible? This same study showed that the top two reasons were:
• Not Enough Time
• Don't Know Where to Start
This is where essentials come in. We have put together a year-long Bible reading plan (so you know exactly where to start and how to keep going) and what's even better is that it can be done in as little as 15 minutes a day! Now that you know where to start and you can see that you have plenty of time to take part - why not say YES?
Sign up for Essential Bible In One Year Reading Plan and join hundreds of others as we read the entirety of the Bible in 2025.
Don't just read the Bible, discuss it in community! Find a Hope Chapel community group and talk through the Bible with friends.
Don't miss a Sunday as we will be walking taking our 52 Sundays next year to walk from Genesis to Revelation through the narrative arc of scripture.
Throughout the year we will be producing resources to help you on the journey. Once you sign up to be a part of Essential, starting in January, you will receive a daily devotional to your inbox to help you start strong. From February onwards, you can get your printed monthly devotional at any Hope Chapel location. For now, make sure simply sign up to say YES to Essential 2025 and download your Bible reading plan that starts January 1, 2025.