Every day you collect information, which inform your thoughts, that affect your life in profound ways. Understand this: your thoughts are running your life. This is why scripture says that we need to renew our minds so that we can be transformed from the inside out. Join us at Hope Chapel for a sermon series on stewarding one of the greatest gifts you've been given - your minds.
Every day you collect information, which inform your thoughts, that affect your life in profound ways. Understand this: your thoughts are running your life. This is why scripture says that we need to renew our minds so that we can be transformed from the inside out. Join us at Hope Chapel for a sermon series on stewarding one of the greatest gifts you've been given - your minds.
In Rethinking Your Life we'll be covering topics such as: - Change Your Thoughts; Change Your Life - Rethinking my View of God - Rethinking my View of Myself -Rethinking Disappointment -Rethinking What's Possible with Guest Speaker Dr. JoAnne Lyon -Having the Mind of Christ
Invite a friend and join us for this powerful series starting Sunday, September 26th.