Two unique experiences
at three locations
O L A T H E & S O U T H K C K
If you’re joining us in Olathe or South KCK, stay behind after each gathering for a special kids experience. The Egg Factory is an interactive and entertaining walk-through journey where your child goes behind the scenes of an egg factory to see how Easter eggs are made. Each child will leave with treat-filled eggs of their own!
New Location - L E G E N D S
Join us for Eggstreme Eggstravaganza, a free community event on Saturday, April 16, for kids age 0-12! Eggstreme is a huge egghunt with over 15000 eggs filled with candy, cash, and prizes. Gold, silver, and bronze prizes will be given in four age categories immediately following the hunt and a grand prize drawing will take place Easter Sunday at noon! Eggstreme Eggstravazganza registration and pics with the Easter Bunny begin at 12:30. The hunt will begin promptly at 1:00 p.m.